Could It Be Adrenal Fatigue?

What does our adrenal system do, and why do we need to nourish it? Think of your adrenals as the producers and regulators of your hormones and neurotransmitters. These hormones and neurotransmitters then regulate your metabolism. So we're talking reproductive health, brain health, weight management, energy and mood, and since the adrenals regulate all these systems, you can see why it's so important to keep them in check! If you’re feeling off in any of the following areas, chances are adrenal fatigue might be the culprit:

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  • hair loss

  • blurred vision

  • severe allergies

  • unexplained weight gain or loss

  • muscle aches and pains

  • dizziness when you stand up

  • low libido

  • infertility

  • chronic fatigue

  • feeling tired but can’t sleep aka “tired but wired”

Most of us have some degree of adrenal fatigue, and it comes with no surprise *stress* holds court as the leading suppressor of adrenal glands leading to their fatigue. Read below for a few steps to keep stress at bay and to heal your adrenal system:

  • Eat clean: avoid inflammatory foods like gluten, dairy, refined sugar and too much caffeine

  • Get plenty of zzz's... shoot for 8 hours!

  • Do not over-commit. No is a complete sentence.

  • Regulate your blood sugar by eating protein within an hour of waking each morning and by pairing your macros (our nutritionists can help with this!) 

  • High-intensity/high-impact exercise elevates cortisol levels, so limit this as your exercise form when you're in a healing season

  • Take the time and effort to heal emotional trauma.

  • Supplements can help as well! Come get a B-complex shot or check out our adaptogenic herbs to reboot your system. If after 8-10 weeks you do not see improvement, we recommend a deeper look through a Functional Medicine appointment.

The beautiful thing about our bodies is they’re able to heal when we let them. Through dietary, lifestyle and supplemental adjustments, adrenal fatigue does not have to stick around for long. At R+R, we offer several healing modalities to support your adrenal system and the healing process!


Food Sensitivity Testing


Healing Is Not Linear