Q&A with Jessica Bowman of @fwpelvichealth

Jessica Bowman, PT, DPT

Jessica is a Fort Worth native with a passion for helping women live their best life. As a mother herself and Physical Therapist who specializes in the pelvic floor, she is able to assist women in all stages of life: pre baby, pregnant, postpartum and post children through her business Fort Worth Pelvic Health.

We are thrilled to have Jessica with us today, and we cannot wait for you to learn more about her!

What does wellness mean to you? 

As I have become older wellness has become more about where my spirit and mind are and less about what society tells me it should be. I have found I enjoy more things that feed that part of myself like yoga, being outside, spending time with family and friends and less about productivity based activities.

Name three non-negotiables in your life.

  • Quality sleep

  • Positive self talk

  • ONLY Topo Chico in my Ranch Water (no other sparkling will do).

Your fave Instagram accounts to follow?

Morning routine?

Tell my babies good morning, water, exercise, tea if I am having it, always sunscreen and out the door.

Evening routine?

Play with kids, check the garden to see what’s for dinner, cook dinner, we eat outside if we can, bath time, bedtime. 

Travel essentials?

All my Christina Jett skin care essentials (I forgot my face wash on our last trip and almost didn’t make it), our GoPro to capture all the memories, my favorite Fort Worth hat and sunscreen, as I’m getting older I really like to travel with my body pillow- ha! If we are traveling with kids things get WAY more complicated.

Instant energy boost?

A nap? Lol just kidding but I really love sleep. 

Most used condiment?

Ranch….. always ranch.

Favorite smoothie recipe?

I have really been loving a smoothie with frozen avocados, bananas, blueberries, almond milk, flaxseed, caoco powder and Vital Proteins collagen powder.

How do you take your coffee (or tea)?

100% green tea with lavender honey.

Go-to cocktail?

Ranch water

3 ingredients/foods you can't live without?

  • Garlic

  • Queso

  • Sweet potatoes

Go-to gift?

Candles, I really love a good candle.

How do you reset?

Sleep… lol. I really love to spend time outside, on the weekends we are rarely indoors. It grounds me and helps me to get ready for the next week.

When you feel sickness coming on you...

Sleep… and text Dabney probably lol

What's valuable to you?

My family is the most important thing and always comes first.

Thank you, Jessica! If you suffer from urinary incontinence, SI joint pain, pelvic pain, painful sex, tailbone pain, sciatica, pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, endometriosis/menstrual pain, prep for labor/delivery, low back/hip pain, Diastasis Recti, recovery from labor/delivery, return to exercise, (and more!), Jessica is your girl. Click here to book!


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