Q&A with Mada Leigh Lavey of @mada_leigh


Mada Leigh Lavey
Virtual Fitness Trainer + IG Personality

Mada Leigh is a virtual fitness trainer and mama to two beautiful girls. She is currently pregnant with a little boy! She loves sharing her everyday life, her motherhood journey, wellness tips, and natural living on her IG page

We are thrilled to have the fabulous Mada Leigh with us today, and we cannot wait to learn more about her! She’s dropping some major tips below - don’t miss it.

What does wellness mean to you? 

Wellness to me is making small changes in my daily life for me and my family that help us feel our best mentally and physically. It’s not something that feels like a task, but it’s a lifestyle. I am the best ME when I take care of myself and nourish my body from the inside out.   

Name three non-negotiables in your life.

  • Daily movement- doing something active each day! Doesn’t have to be intense but even a 20-minute walk gives me the biggest boost. 

  • Getting quality sleep! I make sleep a priority and strive for 7-hours at least a night.

  • Eating organic, whole food whenever possible. 

Your fave Instagram accounts to follow?

Morning routine?

It can be wild with two little ones haha, but this is usually what it looks like…

Wake up around 6am (usually around the time my 14-month-old wakes up), have a 16oz cup of room temp lemon water, make a coffee, cook my family breakfast, get my 3.5 year old ready for ½ day Montessori school program, my husband takes her to school around 7:30am, tidy up the house, then my youngest and I go on a long walk before her first nap! 

Evening routine?

Serve dinner around 5:30-6pm, playtime/the kids bedtime routine, kids in bed by 7:30pm, relax and catch up with my husband, take a bath and do my skincare routine, stretch for 10 minutes, in bed by 8:30pm, my husband and I typically read and go to bed by 9:30pm. 

Travel essentials?

  • One Love Organics Cleansing Oil and makeup remover. A MUST face wash to always have on hand.

  • A robe and hair clip for getting ready.

  • Osea Undaria Algae Body Oil. My absolute favorite body oil for day and night. [PS we sell this at R+R ;)]

Instant energy boost?

Working out!! My virtual training gives me the best energy! I also love Pique Tea for a mid-day iced tea boost. 

Most used condiment?


Favorite smoothie recipe?

Truthfully, I love Daily Harvest for smoothies. They are all so yummy!

How do you take your coffee (or tea)?

I add frothed nutpods creamer to my coffee with a drizzle of raw, local honey. YUM!

Go-to cocktail?


3 ingredients/foods you can't live without?

  • Tuna- call me crazy, but I love it haha.

  • Dried Mangos- I could devour a bag in minutes!!

  • Kale- I add it to everything! Smoothies, salads, bowls, you name it! 

  • You said three, but I have to add lemons! Add to drinks, salad dressings, the possibilities are endless. 

Go-to gift?

A box of all my favorite nontoxic goodies that I use daily. Everyone loves a good nontoxic candle, face serum, body serum, essential oils, etc! Something special about sharing all the things you truly use daily. I also love gifting a good book for friends that like to read.

How do you reset?

A hot bath or a long walk always does the trick!

When you feel sickness coming on you...

Try to get in a sauna to sweat it out, take oregano oil, drink tons of lemon water, sip on bone broth, eat nourishing food, and REST!

What's valuable to you?

Quality time with my family, focusing on the health of everyone in my family, trying to do my part to be take care of our planet, keep things as nontoxic as possible in my daily life.

Thank you, Mada Leigh! Be sure to check out her incredible virtual fitness workouts and wellness tips by following along @mada_leigh.


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